Q. No. (1) How you will create and save file?
Suppose we are creating a file of MS Word, it will
done as
(1) Open MS Word as Start
MS Word
(2) Now type which you want to keep in file
(3) Now save the file as following procedure
Select location where to save file
click on save button
Q.No. (2) What does copy/Paste Command do?
Copy / paste moves the duplicate of original file
or folder to new location.
Q.No. (3) What does cut/past command do?
Cut / paste moves the original file / folder completely,
removing it from its original location.
Q. No. (4) What is procedure for Copy / paste and cut
(1) Right click the file or folder you want to copy
(2) Select the copy from right click menu
(3) Go to location where you want to past/cut file
and right click
(4) Select paste/cut from the right click menu
Q.No. (18) What Is Dragging and how can u do?
Dragging is quick method to copy/paste a file/folder
from one location to other. It will do as
(1) Move the mouse to the file to be dragged and
keep the left button pressed
(2) Drag the file by moving mouse to new location
and release the left button
Q.No.(19) What does Delete command do and how can
u do it?
Delete command is use to delete or erase a file
or folder, you can do it as
Right click the file / folder and select Delete
from right menu or
Single click the file / folder when its color
got blue press Delete Key from Keyboard.
Q.No. (6) What do you know about typing tutor?
Typing tutor is software, used to teach typing. The knowledge of typing is necessary for using computer
Q.No. (7) Provide brief note on keyboard?
Keyboard is input device used to enter data into computer. There are about 101-105 keys are on it.
Commonly used keyboard is known as QWERTY, QWERTY define the arrangements of keys
There are 4 types of keys are on keyboard. Function keys, numeric keys, alpha-numeric and cursor control key
Typing speed is measured in WPM or CPM
Q.No. (8) What do know about MS Word?
MS word is used to create text documents like applications. There are many feature of MS Word.
Q. No. (9) How you will open MS Word?
We will open it by this procedure
MS Word
Q.No. (10) What are the components of MS Word Window?
When you open MS Word, its window consist of these components
1) Title Bar
2) Menu Bar
3) Standard Tool Bar
4) Formatting Bar
5) Rulers
6) Status Bar
Q. No. (11) How you will create a document in MS Word?
Open the MS word,
create you work like application,
table and then save the file for late use.
Q.No. (12) How you can select text in MS Word?
There are two different method for selecting a text from MS Word document, by keyboard and by mouse
By Keyboard you can select the text as
1) Place the cursor before or after the text to be selected
2) Press the appropriate arrow key until the text is highlighted
By Mouse you can select the test as
1) Place the cursor before or after the text to be selected
2) Hold down left click of mouse and drag the mouse on text to be selected
Note: if you want to select the whole document then press shift+a
Q.No. (13) How you will use copy/past command in Word?
(1) Select the text either by mouse or keyboard
(2) Right click on selected text and click on copy
(3) Right click on the area where u want to past it
(4) Click paste, hence copy /paste will done
Q. No. (14) How you will delete text in MS Word ?
There are 3 different method to delete the text in word
1) Place the cursor on left side of text to be deleted and press back space key until the text removed
2) Place the cursor on right side of text to be deleted and press Delete key until the text removed.
3) Select the text to be deleted by mouse or keyboard and press delete key.
Q.No. (14) What do you know about font?
Font means a complete character set of a single size and style of a particular typeface.
Typeface is physical appearance of characters. Formatting tool bar is use to change these characters
You can change font name, font size and can do Bold, Italic, under line and align the text left, right etc
Q.No. (15) How you will change the font?
Select the text by keyboard or mouse and click on the desired button in formatting tool bar
Q.No. (16) How many option for changing case available in Word?
Text can be written in lower case, upper case, sentence case, title case, and toggle case.
Q.No. (17) How you will change the case of text?
Select the text
format menu
change case
select the desire option
Q.No. (18) What is procedure for saving in file in Word? ….
File menu
give file name
click on save button
Q. No. (19) How many mistake or error comes in MS Word?
Normally two type of errors come across while working in MS Word
(1) Spelling error: the text under lined with red color
2) Grammar error: the text under lined with green color