to Current Covid 19 Situation, IGNOU had declared some guidelines for
submitting IGNOU MAPC Synopsis & IGNOU MAPC Project Report that are
as follows;
Guidelines for Online IGNOU MAPC Synopsis Submission
The new criteria for online IGNOU MAPC synopsis submission apply to
MAPC Learners who have re-registered for the Second Year before the
January 2021 session.
Each Regional centre can establish a unique email address for receiving
online IGNOU MAPC synopsis submissions from learners. For online IGNOU
MAPC synopsis submission, students must contact the RC.
The RC will contact synopsis evaluators in the area from the accepted
list and obtain their permission to conduct an online review of the
4. The RCs will be given a revised list of certified synopses evaluators.
The new Guides list will also be submitted to the RCs. It will also be
made available on the IGNOU website under the SOSS> MAPC programme.
After consulting with the Guide, the learner will finalise the IGNOU
MAPC synopsis. For the format of the synopsis and other specifics, the
learner should consult the Project Handbook. Given the current Covid-19
pandemic, the study may use either primary or secondary evidence. Both
online and offline modes are available. Primary data can be obtained by
online surveys and questionnaires, as well as face-to-face interviews,
thus adhering to all of the safety precautions outlined by the
Government of India during Covid-19.
The learner must send the final IGNOU MAPC synopsis to the Guide. In
the return email, the Guide must express his/her willingness to
guide/supervise the learner. It should say something like, “I hereby
express my consent to direct Mr./Ms………….Enrolment No…………..of IGNOU’s
MAPC programme for the Project subject “…………………”
In the return email to the Regional Centre, the learner must send the
final IGNOU MAPC synopsis (in MS Word only) along with the guide’s
permission to the relevant email given by the RC for this reason.
9. The learner must have a copy of his or her grade card for MPC 005 and 006.
The RC will then submit the whole package to the synopsis evaluator for
review. Before submitting the synopsis for review, the RC can
double-check that the following items are included:
A copy of the synopsis, (b) the consent of the Guide in the email, (c) a
copy of the grade card for MPC 005 and 006, and (d) the type of Guide –
academic advisor or from the accepted list – must be specified by the
learner in the email.
The evaluator will assess the IGNOU MAPC synopsis using the criterion
for assessment given to them and writing down their recommendations in
the reply email by numbering them 1, 2, 3, etc. Finally, write Synopsis –
Approved, Not Approved, or Approved with Modifications Suggestions. In
the analysis track mode, they may also test the synopsis by writing
notes on the synopsis itself.
12. The RC would then forward the evaluator’s feedback to the learner.
If any amendments are requested, the learner should make the changes
and resubmit the form to the RC. The RC will re-assign it to the same
evaluator that previously reviewed it.
If the learner chooses a Guide rather than an academic psychologist or
one from the accepted list, he or she must first obtain permission from
the Discipline of Psychology by submitting the biodata to
swatipatra@ignou.ac.in or projectpsychology@ignou.ac.in. Only the
learner will apply the synopsis to the RC after receiving permission.
15. For eligibility requirements for Guide, please see the Project handbook.
The learner should have in mind that any conversation or email exchange
with the guide about the synopsis should be conducted separately. The
learner can only submit the final synopsis and the updated synopsis to
the RC, along with the enclosures mentioned in Point 10 above.
The last date for submitting IGNOU MAPC synopsis online has been
extended until June 30, 2021. This extends to the Jan 2021 Second Year
batch as well as previous batches that have not yet applied their
Guidelines for Online IGNOU MAPC Project Report Submission
1. The last date for submission of IGNOU MAPC Project Report is June 15, 2021.
2. It is possible to send it online. Refer to the IGNOU website Homepage – Alerts for Online Project Submission (https://projectupload.ignou.ac.in).
The learners should ensure that the IGNOU MAPC Project Report is
scanned in a single pdf format file so that the Regional Centre can
import it in a single pdf format file for further intervention.
Before uploading the IGNOU MAPC Project Report electronically, the
learners must receive digital approval from the Guide/Supervisor in the
specified proforma via e-mail.
5. The first page of the pdf file shall contain the learner’s right information, as follows:
Title of IGNOU MAPC Project Report
Name of the Learner
Programme Code
Enrolment Number
Regional Centre
Code Course
Code of attached IGNOU MAPC Project Report
Mobile No.
and E-mail ID
the IGNOU MAPC Project Report is not considered in order, it will be
returned to the learner for correction/completion and resubmission.
The viva-voce of the IGNOU MAPC Project Report will be administered by
the concerned Faculties under the Regional Centre in accordance with
those guidelines. Students are urged to contact the appropriate Regional